Church songs use the minor scale so nicely. On paper you'd expect it to sound like "We Ran out of Hot Cross Buns", but the simple walks up and down the scale sound so much spicier than they should. I love it!
Posted by PrimeLimeJustDied - December 27th, 2024
Church songs use the minor scale so nicely. On paper you'd expect it to sound like "We Ran out of Hot Cross Buns", but the simple walks up and down the scale sound so much spicier than they should. I love it!
Posted by PrimeLimeJustDied - August 22nd, 2024
I have such a convoluted history with LGBTQ:
I was born a boy.
I thought girls had the privilege of being cute in 1st grade.
The first trans person I met was a jerk about it.
Around a year later somebody suddenly said something gay to me.
I entered into a questioning phase that quickly became about gender
I was uncertain throughout the whole damn 8th grade.
I finally concluded that switching genders was unnecessary to express myself, and that the intrusive gay thoughts didn't say anything about who I am.
Funnily enough, YouTube caught on after the whole fiasco and recommended me a specific music video. It gave a reasonable counterclaim to pretty much every aspect of who I was, and I became a mess of existential ambiguity with no clue what to think. So glad that's over.
There's probably some lesson to be learned from all of this, you go find that for yourself. Tough subjects like this require a ton of time-intensive rephrasing to make sure I don't accidentally write something spiteful, even if I don't have an opinion in the end there's still the implications to worry about. Thank you for understanding, and have a nice everything. :)
Posted by PrimeLimeJustDied - January 1st, 2024
I was planning to remix Bergsmätaren Lever by Mattis(?) for a bit of a Christmas special, but I forgot about it. On the bright side, I now have a funny little year marker above my songs! :)